Custom Face Shield-Mask Hybrid | The Unified Full Face Protection Shield
Face Shields USA
Designed for Quality, Comfort & Protection for All People and Professions
Unified Packaging, Inc. is proud to produce comfortable, reusable, and protective face shields for all people and professions. Our goal is to produce quality products that are comfortable and reusable. Our protective reusable face shields have been used by healthcare workers, speech therapists, teachers, students, dentists, hygienists, first responders, and everyday people for the protection, quality and comfort that they provide.
Wear them to work, to the store, the pharmacy, for play and travel protection. We ship nationwide, with bulk order, quantity discounts and free shipping available. Made in Denver, Colorado.

The Need for Face Shields and PPE in the USA
Today, the need to make PPE face shields in the USA is more urgent than ever. That is why we have used our facilities to produce this essential gear for the benefit of all, including healthcare workers in the USA.
RPET PPE face shields are essential equipment needed by the USA healthcare industry. As a custom packaging manufacturer, we are in the unique position of being able to produce this essential gear in Denver, Colorado.
Interested in discussing a face shield-USA order? Please contact for pricing.
How Face Shields Can Help the USA and Americans
The way we go about our daily lives as Americans has changed since 2020. Face shields help limit the spread of mucus, fluid, and air particles for people interacting within close proximity of other workers and the public. The face shield provides a barrier that greatly reduces a person’s risk for transmission. First responders, medical, dental, grocery, educational workers, packing and manufacturing facilities can see great benefits from utilizing these shields.
Professional Opinions